
Click to hear more about The Maschhoffs!

The Maschhoffs LLC , headquartered in Carlyle, Illinois, is one of the largest family-owned hog production networks in North America. The company is owned by 5th generation family  members Dave Maschhoff and his wife Karen and Ken Maschhoff and his wife Julie.  The Maschhoffs partner with nearly 550 family farmers across the Midwest.  These family farmers, known as our Production Partners, work with us to collectively produce enough pork to feed more than 16 million consumers annually.

The face of farming is changing. But, we believe it’s important to continue the history of family farming and maintain healthy rural economies. We know that farmers are America’s original environmentalists and we strive to ensure a safe environment for our families and neighbors. Our focus every day is to raise quality hogs humanely, responsibly in terms of our environment and efficiently.

Core Values